Conde Nast: The Comfortable Face Shield That Makes Flying Less Stressful

Before embarking on a five-week trip—my first in 10 months—I had an extensive checklist of things to do and pack. I can’t remember the last time I was abroad for that long, especially after having settled so fully into my pandemic home routine, so my packing list had to include all the things I had gotten used to having at home, from travel-friendly weights for working out to a water bottle for my desk. On top of that, I created a separate packing list altogether for what I needed on the plane, given how different the flying experience is these days. At the very top of that list? A face shield that could comfortably cover my face and face mask for the duration of a long-haul, 16-hour flight, one where I knew I’d be eating, sleeping, and moving between the airport, lounge, and airplane.