Frequently Asked Questions
Are your face shields effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19?
Our ZShield Flex and ZShield Wrap face shields provide a barrier for respiratory droplets. Our face shields are designed based on customer feedback and demand for a comfortable, reusable, easy to clean face covering that provides a threshold of hygiene while allowing for easy communication and a full view of the wearer’s face.
Do public health agencies (like the CDC) recommend the use of face shields?
Face Shields are a form of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that help deter the spread of COVID-19. The Infectious Diseases Society of America recommends the use of PPE, such as face shields, in addition to social distancing requirements for public spaces. The CDC states that face shields should wrap around the sides of the wearer’s face and extend below the chin.
How are face shields effective in deterring the spread of COVID-19?
COVID-19 is thought to spread when an infected person emits respiratory droplets within 6 feet of a susceptible person’s eyes, nose or mouth, or by direct contact with those droplets (i.e. touching a contaminated surface and then touching the eyes, nose or mouth). Face shields provide a clear plastic barrier that covers the face, mouth and eyes and helps protect users from the spray and splatter of respiratory droplets. It is observed that users are less likely to touch their face when wearing a face shield, further deterring the spread of COVID-19. According to an article published in JAMA, face shields appear to significantly reduce the amount of inhalation exposure to influenza virus, another droplet-spread respiratory virus. In a simulation study, face shields were shown to reduce immediate viral exposure by 96% when worn by a simulated health care worker within 18 inches of a cough.
Do face shields provide more protection than face masks?
An April 2020 article published in JAMA found that face shields appear to significantly reduce the amount of inhalation exposure to influenza virus, another droplet-spread respiratory virus. In a simulation study, face shields were shown to reduce immediate viral exposure by 96% when worn by a simulated health care worker within 18 inches of a cough. We are proud to offer our product as a PPE option as consumers consider and evaluate various forms of PPE.
What are the benefits of a face shield vs. a face mask?
We designed ZShields to provide consumers with a PPE option that is comfortable for long hours of wear and helps deter the spread of COVID-19. An April 2020 article published in JAMA states, “Face shields offer a number of advantages. While medical masks have limited durability and little potential for reprocessing, face shields can be reused indefinitely and are easily cleaned with soap and water, or common household disinfectants. They are comfortable to wear, protect the portals of viral entry, and reduce the potential for autoinoculation by preventing the wearer from touching their face. People wearing medical masks often have to remove them to communicate with others around them; this is not necessary with face shields. The use of a face shield is also a reminder to maintain social distancing, but allows visibility of facial expressions and lip movements for speech perception. Most important, face shields appear to significantly reduce the amount of inhalation exposure to influenza virus, another droplet-spread respiratory virus. In a simulation study, face shields were shown to reduce immediate viral exposure by 96% when worn by a simulated health care worker within 18 inches of a cough.”